Welcome to the Summary quick start guide. The manual is in the "Documentation" folder. Instructions on how to register are in the file "Registering".
Summary requires a Power Macintosh with OpenTransport, an active internet connection, and an internet browser.
Quick Start
1) You must get a copy of your log file onto your local machine or on a file system that is mounted on the local machine over the network so that it can be accessed as a normal file. If you don't know how to do this you should contact your server administrator for more information.
2) Place your log file (or an alias to your log file) in the "logs" folder.
3) Double click the "Summary" application.
4) You now need to point you web browser to the address displayed by Summary, normally the address of the computer you are running Summary on.
The first time you run Summary, you will want to go to the configuration page and enter at least the site descriptive name and the preferred domain name. The configuration settings will not take effect until the next time you process the log file.
Summary vs. Summary Pro
Summary can be registered in two different ways, as Summary, or as Summary Pro. When first installed it will come up in Unregistered/Demo mode. To switch to one of the other modes you must enter a registration code which you get by registering your copy.
The Unregistered/Demo version will display the "Unregistered" message on every page and does not allow multipule sets of reports for virtual domains.
A registered copy of Summary enables an option to process logs automatically every N hours, and allows up to three sets of reports for virtual domains.
A registered copy of Summary Pro additionaly enables an option to write the first page of each report to static HTML files each time processing is done, allows you to customize the HTML page heading and footer including removing the Summary.Net logo, enables the user configurable filtering, log file search, and modem speed proxy features, and allows up to 500 sets of reports for virtual domains.
Instructions on how to register are in the file "Registering".
Beta Versions
If you have a beta test version, you may use the registration code 0000-3794-0000-2130 to enable the Summary feature set, or you may use the registration code 0000-2379-0000-3545 to enable the Summary Pro feature set.
GZip file IO uses the ZLib library from Jean-loup Gailly (gzip@prep.ai.mit.edu) and Mark Adler (madler@alumni.caltech.edu). The zlib home page is http://quest.jpl.nasa.gov/zlib/